Hello World,

This is Foootsoldier reporting.

A word to the wise. This is my first blog so you might care to leave now. If not, I admire your courage.

To commence, it is appropriate to set the scene so here are some verses filched from our very own Bard which he placed in the mouth of John of Gaunt. As you do.

“This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle,

This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,

This other Eden, demi-Paradise,

This fortress built by Nature for herself

Against infection and the hand of War;

This happy breed of men, this little world;

This precious stone set in the silver sea,

Which serves it in the office of a wall,

Or as a moat defensive to a house,

Against the envy of less happier lands


This land of such dear souls, this dear dear land,

Dear for her reputation through the world,

Is now leased out- I die pronouncing it-

Like to a tenement or pelting farm;

England, bound in with the triumphant sea,

Whose rocky shore beats back the envious siege

Of watery Neptune, is now bound in with shame.

With inky blots, and rotten parchment bonds:

That England, that was wont to conquer others.

Hath made a shameful conquest of itself.

Shakespeare had the words even 400 years ago. Conveniently for the writer he included the word “die” in his lament and it is with D.I.E. that I am concerned in this flight of fancy.

In modern parlance those 3 letters have assumed an importance considerably above their weight as I shall seek to demonstrate.

Thus, in these parlous days:

D means Diversity

I means Inclusivity

E means Equality.

What, apart from the commonality of the “ity” at the end, do these words have in common for us humans?

Let us, without fear or favour, delve into these words to examine the meanings they have accumulated and the consequences thereof.

You will already have spotted that these are Watchwords of the Woke Brigade in common use to defy common sense, history and the human condition.

Diversity is now the shibboleth of the woke community, employed to compel adherence to their cult lest your voice be not heard and, incidentally, the source of very profitable employment in the NHS.

Groupthink rules within the cult and condign punishment awaits any who dare to think or speak outside their box. Diversity, they claim, is the touchstone of humanity without which we are all merely savages.

Unfortunately, they entirely miss the point that all 8 billion of we humans are individuals with individual DNA and, identical twins apart, demonstrate that individuality on a daily basis and will continue to do so until the Sun devours the Earth. Humanity is therefore already diverse and will continue to be so notwithstanding the siren calls of the cult which are unnecessary, insulting and pointless. It is a shame they have failed to spot this obvious truth and ramming it down our collective throats is counter-productive in the extreme.

Inclusivity is posited by the cult to be a necessary adjunct to Diversity in order to demonstrate the all-consuming virtue of those who propound its cause. But what is Inclusivity? We already know from the above that all 8 billion humans are exclusively individual by virtue of their exclusive DNA. How then can they be inclusive in the manner sought. How can I, for example, be inclusive with an Eskimo or a denizen of Vanuatu? Our lives, circumstances and habits are as different as it is possible to be. Wherein Inclusivity there? Simply positing the overwhelming positivity of Inclusivity is a chimera. It can never be for the very obvious reasons already supplied. To subscribe to this cult is beyond truth.

Of course, an individual may meet, enjoy the experience and even become friends with persons of a different race, country or circumstance but this is not Inclusivity. It is merely the ordinary practice of the human race. To elevate ordinary human existence into a requirement to include everyone is absurd. What of the people you meet that you do not take to and find their absence much preferable to their presence? Must or should you be included with them perforce?

And so to Equality.

Equality of opportunity is a desirable concept albeit one incapable of achievement in this wide world of differing lifestyles, capabilities, circumstances and ambitions.

Equality of outcome is similarly unachievable given the untold differences between every individual on Earth. See DNA.

It is not even particularly desirable. Does the world need everybody to be the same? It is not only undesirable but folly on a grand scale. Our differences create our world. Imagine a world where everybody was an engineer. Or a lawyer, or teacher. Or farmer. We need difference as it results in innovation and achievement. Without it we would be lower than bacteria.

In conclusion, it is reasonable to posit that pursuit of D.I.E. by all would lead inevitably to the extinction of the human race. They would all die.
